ews cld syedaseo

    Bangladesh is a area of natural beauties. It is located in south-east asia. It has many wonderful scenary and culture. It has the lengthiest organic unbroken sea seaside called Cox's Bazar. [...]


    Today's world that we see around us, and the way society functions today are direct manifestations of the advances of information technology.[...]


    Health promotion and disease prevention behaviors should be a part of our lifestyle.[...]


    Entertainment can hold our attention and interest and can give us pleasure.....[...]


    Though fashion and cooking unlikely match but enevident for women........]


    Children are an enevitable part of world to make it more beautiful .........[...]

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Poor Eating In Infants And Children From 0 to 36 Months
 Many children go through phases in which refuse certain foods or even any kind of food, that is, who have bad eating. This phenomenon is particularly common in children up to age 5 years, but can occur at any age. Sometimes having a bad eating is a way to show their desire for independence and is part of their maturation process and normal growth.

Although much can worry parents, children often suffer complications if not eat enough for a short time. They may need less than you think. Discuss this issue with other parents who have gone through the same situation with your child can help.
If the problem does not improve and you are concerned about your child's growth both in size and weight, you can discuss it with your doctor or dietitian.

What can I do?

  • Provide meals and snacks or snacks regularly. This is better than letting the child go "itching" all day.
  • If possible, eat at the same time the child as well learn from you.
  • Try to make mealtimes pleasant and sociable.That are fun
  • Try eating in a quiet and relaxing place, no television because children are easily distracted.
  • Sit at the table and use attractive and colored plates and cups.
  • Do not hurry to meals as some children are a little slow, however the food should not drag on, half an hour would be a proper time to eat.

A Guide for Families

  • Never force a child to eat
He/she indicates that the child has had enough:
When the head rotates.
When pushing the plate or the bowl away, even on the floor!
When shouts.
When constantly you spit food.
When you are holding the food in your mouth and refuses to swallow.
  • Try not to show you are worried or bothered by the fact that the child does not eat. Although it is difficult to do, because he does not eat, it is advisable to remove the food from the table without comment.
  • It is a good idea for children to use your fingers to play with food, do not worry about soiling.
  • If your child stops eating for a meal, try to encourage once again to drink. If this is successful, show him that you are happy (say "good boy, well done") and smile at.
  • Offering an award as a walk or a special game time together. Do not give a prize to be food.
  • What foods should I give and when?
  • Offer small portions of food at meals. If the ends, offering more. You must not remove the food and offer a different if the child rejects the first you've offered.
  • The refreshing, milk shakes and drinks can fill a child, in the same way that the chips, cookies, pasta, etc. It is best to avoid these foods give your child about mealtimes or dinner.
  • When the child spends one season and shown picky food or rejects the food, it is better not to offer new foods. We must try to eat let alone providing small pieces that may take.
  • Try to give small snacks, sandwiches, sausages, pieces of soft cheese, potatoes, strips of vegetables and fruit pieces.
  • Milk is a nutritious drink, the child must take half a liter a day. But milk should not replace meals. You must monitor the child does not take too much milk during the day or night.

Dairy foods

Try the child take a pint of milk a day.
Try cheeses, yogurts, puddings, rice pudding or custard milkshakes and other sources of calcium.

Meat or alternative

You can take all kinds of meat, watching fat intake.
You can also take various types of fish.
Children enjoy easy meat to chew, such as minced, sausage, chicken, fish sticks and fish sauce.
Also legumes (lentils, chickpeas, etc.) are good substitutes for meat and fish.


Children should eat these foods at each meal. For most children like breakfast cereals and bread or toast. It also includes potatoes, rice, pasta and other grain products.
A small bowl of cereal with milk or toast with butter / margarine and jam. <br>
Milk to drink.

Appetizers or snacks

Small snack or sandwich with lean ham or cheese.
Yogurt or cheese.
Fruit juice or fruit.

Main meals

Pasta, rice, potatoes.
Easy to eat and digest meat, fish, eggs or vegetables.
Whole or chopped fresh fruit or fruit juice.

Fruits and vegetables

Both two servings a day of fruits and vegetables are needed. If you can choose, it is better fresh, but you can also use canned or frozen fruit.


Children need a certain amount of oil, butter or margarine for growth.

Sugar and sweets

Sugar and sweet foods can be part of feeding your child, but do not consume too much, and above all, avoid that take between meals.

Monday, November 30, 2015

The SEO brings us head to most marketers, but nevertheless is our daily bread and something becomes imperative. If we want to reach our target audience, we cannot limit Social Media planning strategies, or generate good content; but we have to try to get them well positioned in Google and other search engines.
The fact of appearing on the first page of search will attract a huge traffic to our websites; and this may sound difficult, it does not become impossible. To achieve this, there are several ways, the first is what is called on page SEO they are also SEM campaigns, but of which I want to talk today is part of the content. One of the actions increasingly valued by Google and optimize our content is at the level of organic positioning.

How to optimize our content for SEO ?

To ensure that our content is SEO- friendly, we must follow several steps; 10 of the most important are:

1. Number of words:

Items must have a minimum number of words to be valued by Google; it is more appropriate between: 400-500, since the recommended minimum is 300.

2. Quality and brings added value:

One aspect we should have in mind is the search engine user experience. So if we draw a visitor to our article, but the visit is short this will punish us. To prevent this, we have to provide quality content that add value and aimed at our target audience.

3. Keywords:

We will have to choose a keyword that defines our article, usually with which we understand that we can find our target audience. At this point, we must avoid using misleading Keywords (i.e. we know it can be very attractive, but that have nothing to do with our message), and either opt for more generic words, more searches, but also more competition; or by more specific words with which the opposite happens.
Moreover, the density of this word in relation to the total text will have to be around 1%. In addition to the main keyword, we will choose other secondary also to be used as a label, and they will follow the same guidelines as those just mentioned.

4. Enter H1, H2:

Another factor that will help us improve our content positioning, is set subtitles to divide the content of the articles; which they are called H1, H2 ...

5. keywords in the H1 and H2:

Following the above, the fact introduce our main keyword in some of these captions will help us to improve the SEO article.

6. Internal links:

The link between the content we link to other articles we have written on the same subject, or other subpages of our own website.

7. External links:

In addition, search engines will reward us if we introduce in our items external links, but they are always quality, and not forced.

8. Images:

To create an SEO article, we should introduce at least one image (can be several) and that this Alt tag containing the keyword.

9. Titles:

The title should be attractive to draw the attention of readers, more or less short (up to approx. 60- 80 characters) and contain the main keyword (the more the better left).

10. Description:

The description part of the article should be appealing; it is the text you see in the search engines under the headline. This should capture the essence, have around 150 characters and contain the main keyword.

It is, in short, 10 not very difficult steps to follow, which will help to improve the SEO of our content and also, gradually, they will also improve organic positioning of the website as a whole.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Tips For A Healthy Heart

Posted by Unknown on 7:16 AM with No comments
The human heart is one of the most important organs for life, without the proper functioning of our very existence at risk. But we do not give the necessary importance and we do not take care of it as it should. Almost always we associate various feelings from the heart, as when we fall in love, even the heart is a symbol of love, so we do when we are exalted, or when we feel sad, we say "my heart is sad."
All this makes us have the heart almost always present in our lives, but we don’t realize the real value and true significance of heart.
The human heart has a very own electrical power, which allows the constant supply of blood throughout our body as a water pump. From this point of view it is important to keep your heart in good shape and good health. Here are some tips to keep your heart healthy.

Some tips for maintaining a healthy heart

1. Avoid smoking
It is proven that smoking can be a lethal weapon to blood vessels, since the chemicals they contain can weaken them and make the heart work worst to pump blood. The result will be high blood pressure and less oxygen in their systems.

2. Exercise constantly
You need to constantly exercise to reduce the chances of heart disease and cardiac accidents which could be fatal. So, climbing stairs, a little bike, or just walk would do to your heart much good.

3. Eat healthy and keep the weight recommended
When you eat healthy foods low in fat, especially saturated fat, your heart will thank you. These can be vegetables, fruits, among others. Also, if your weight stays in recommended you never suffer from clogged arteries and therefore your heart will be in a good performance.

4. Moderation alcohol
Drinking alcohol can increase your blood pressure and increase your weight (we have seen above that weight gain is not good), and therefore affects the state of our heart.

5. Relax, take it easy and be happy
There is evidence that stress, depression and anxiety are related to heart disease. Also people with negative emotions are at greater risk of cardiovascular problems.

6. Medical Control

The most common symptoms of cardiovascular problems include fatigue, chest pain or suffer diseases of unknown origin. If you suffer from these symptoms or have a family history of heart problems, then it is not good and necessary to go to our cardiologist.

Friday, November 13, 2015

WHAT IS Cystitis?

It is an infection of the lower urinary tract, particularly the bladder, which is caused by bacteria. Although it may also be cases of the infection is through blood flow, in which case the infection directly affects the kidneys.
Because a woman has a shorter urethra and is closer to the anus, allowing bacteria to more easily reach the opening of the vagina and, hence, to the urethra and bladder is more common for women suffer cystitis (especially aged net 20 and 40)
By contrast, humans have the longest urethra, and prostate secret addition a substance with a bactericidal effect, which prevents the spontaneous rise of microorganisms.


- Urgent and frequent urination.
- Itching or burning in the urethra during urination.
- Redness of the vulva and vaginal itching (women).
- Painful urination and sex.
- Color turbid, milky (thick) or abnormal urine.
- An appearance of blood in the urine.
- Fever and chills (fever may mean that the infection has reached the kidneys).
- Vomiting and nausea.
- Pain in the side or back pain (indicating kidney infection).
- Often, women feel a slight pressure above the pubic bone and many men feel a dilated right.
- Sometimes it can cause fever
- Be more irritable than usual.
Children's symptoms, meanwhile, can be confused with other disorders; moreover, they are faced with the difficulty of not knowing how to express what happens. However, if a child has a urinary tract infection may show the following signs:
- Be more irritable than usual.
- Do not eat as normal.
- Have unexplained fever also does not just disappear.
- Unable to hold back urine.
- Undergo alterations in its development.
- Be more irritable than usual.
- Do not eat as normal.
- Have unexplained fever also does not just disappear.
- Unable to hold back urine.
- Undergo alterations in its development.


One of the most widely used for its effectiveness in the treatment of cystitis remedies is cranberry and bearberry infusion. Drinking plenty of fluids is also very important in these cases
Often these infections occur because we have low body defenses.
If you have frequent infections or colds, general fatigue unjustified ...
If this is the case, in addition to taking cranberry bearberry + to treat cystitis, it would be advisable to take Echinacea, for the defense, since it is the basis to prevent infection.

It is an excellent preventive of this disease is usually used in the form of juice but must be quality and possibly that is not sweetened with sugar (The suitable amount is between 200 and 500 ml) day, or tablet
We can also opt for dried cranberries, to take it daily as well as help prevent infections in this way, we will benefit from the antioxidant power of this fruit.

The key of cranberry is in the way it has to act against the bacteria causing cystitis. Specifically what is used to treat this condition is the juice of the cranberry, which has a powerful bacteriostatic effect, i.e., it helps kill bacteria and prevents the spread of them, which increases the problem and makes it worse. Really it is making cranberry juice or tablets, is to prevent bacteria from nesting or stay fixed in the urinary tract.
But not only the thing stays there, but also of our urinary apparatus away from the bacteria, cranberry does is improve the state of the urinary tract optimizing performance. This is because containing tannins. The digestive system also will benefit from cranberry since their intake will kill the bacteria that causes digestive upset stomach and also to protect against the occurrence of ulcers in the stomach.

The gut and probiotics: In many cases the bacteria that cause infection, especially when it is chronic, comes from the gut, we can also take a supplement of probiotics regularly to maintain a healthy bacterial flora. These probiotics, which buy in pharmacies, should contain acidophilus.
Echinacea and / or cat's claw: To strengthen the immune system.
Vitamin C is essential to our overall health supplement. We can take each day as if it would eliminate excess urine naturally, and instead tend to be deficient in it.
It will help to raise defenses and to complement the natural treatment:
- Heat in the lumbar: Usually in the middle of the back:
- Electric mat
- Water bag
- Massage with arnica oil

Cleaning and care of the intimate area:
- Good care and cleaning of the area, it is very important to protect the bacterial flora, thus preventing infection. Do NOT use soaps that can damage the pH of the genital area.
- Use intimate, organic soaps (free from parabens, silicones, perfumes, ...) and that have components such as tea tree oil, help us to protect the area from infection without damaging or harming the flora and Ph Bacterial.
- The use and essential oils for steam bath tea tree or oregano are also very beneficial; even throw a few drops in underwear. (Little amount)

- Do not use clothes too tight
- Do not use synthetic fiber underwear, better use of cotton
- Beware misuse and daily panty liners do not leave transpire (always use 100% cotton, ecological, no plastics, no chemical)
- Do not use scented toilet paper
- Hormonal treatment
- Sexual Activity (semen has an alkaline pH which reduces the acidity of the vaginal pH)
- Some treatments Antibiotics
- Be careful with the use of softeners in laundry
- Stress, exhaustion, poor nutrition,
- Have good housekeeping.

Monday, November 9, 2015

If the most important qualities were those intelligence tests are able to evaluate, our civilization would never have developed as it has. " Ken Robinson

The emerging industrial revolution educational systems subject children to endless examinations where mathematics and language predominate over other materials.
Many of the things that our fathers told us no longer apply. The model "studies, get a job and climb within the company" is obsolete. In addition, this model happiness of individuals does not matter at all. So my message today is this: let the children play Let me explain why. Our society has changed greatly in the last fifty years. The economic model is being transformed from a production-industrial paradigm to a model based on business services, information, and knowledge. Therefore, it stands to reason that the qualities required of individuals in the future also change. 
Originated in the industrial revolution education systems, they have capitalized teaching to this day. Its main purpose: to prepare people to enter the productive sector. They are characterized, therefore, by several things, although we seem obvious, it might not be so: to separate children by age, according to his facility with mathematics and language, strictly distinguish between "science" and "letters" (giving more value to the first) and very important: pressure on young people to decide as soon as possible, where they want to direct their professional future and the educational-industrial system born from the need to prepare workers.qualified so they could work in factories and conduct mechanical work. The system also assumed, therefore, the need for standardization and gave a high value on repetition and memorization of data. In other words, what mattered (and still important) are the results, the productive potential of the individual. Needs and potential "hidden" from students spend in the educational production system into the background.Consequence: many children are bored in class, they get frustrated, they feel excluded. However, according to some studies, non-curricular talents (creativity, intuition, flexibility, spontaneity, empathy, intercultural skills or organizational capacity) will be much more important in the future. The reasons: the aforementioned change of business model but also career models (linear and before long - now changing and multitasking).

Scientists: intuition, passion, and curiosity

Edwards O. Wilson, a professor at Harvard University biology professor and winner of two Pulitzer prizes, note: "I've met a lot of students who did not dare to venture into scientific careers for fear of mathematics. But, after all, in the vast majority of scientific disciplines, passion and intuition are more important than math. " In his book Letters to a young scientist, Wilson is even more explicit: "Many scientists worldwide are successful, from a mathematical point of view, little more than semi-literate". And it gives perhaps the key: first, passion, then preparation and in some cases, the preparation is given the wrong way.

So how should educate children?

The productive-industrial model raised this in response to another question: what would you be more (doctor, mechanic, plumber)?Therefore, the proposed model "to study, work, produce".
It is possible that the educational model of the future, as career models will be very different (non-linear, multiple jobs, multitasking), as well as the (creativity, empathy, communication) skills needed, try to answer other questions: What do you like to do, they make you feel good (writing, traveling, compose, analyze, order)?
All this may sound very abstract when thinking about an educational model, so let me give an example of what I try to explain: the other day I was talking with the director of a science museum. His main concern was to ensure that the museum would appeal not only to adults but also to children. In the end, he concluded that the best museum would be one that would allow children to play and run freely ultimately play.
And it is that seeing every day my five-year-old daughter play, invent, communicate, associate with others, find creative solutions, ask questions, I am convinced now of something my mother told me many years ago: let the kids play. What a beautiful idea: maybe one of the keys of the future of education is to give the children a little more air time to learn to play and being more themselves, and probably happier. This may be achieved, as some argue, relying on e-learning or more practical and less theoretical care classes. 


The end of the school year is approaching, and all parents and children are with the right forces and looking forward to the holidays. But this is no time for slacking off, we are in the final stretch and many students have a big stake, as tests remain to be done, deliver jobs and a lot to learn. Following these guidelines to secure this end of the course will be more bearable for everyone:

  • Brand objectives to be met, no time to study. What the child sees that if the goal is to learn a lesson, when already know it, you will have free time to play. People, including children, function better working by objectives that time.
  • Goals should be realistic and tailored to the potential and development of the child. For example, if the child takes bad mathematics throughout the course, we can not expect that in June kick outstanding. Thus only not feel able to achieve the goal.
  • The idea is to work from the intrinsic or internal motivation, ie do things because I want to, because it makes me feel good. However, when children are young, many times this type of motivation has not yet been developed, and we have to work from the extrinsic or external motivation, that is, do things to get something we want, for example, see a time television, playing a few minutes to the tablet, play something that you feel like a lot ... will be crucial that the child knows the rewards that you will have to study. For example, playing a few minutes on the computer ...
  • Once the child has served its purpose of study or work, we can ask what is it like, if you are happy for having done it. In this way we will think about how when we fulfill our obligations we feel good because this is the best booster medium and long term.
  • Do not forget that the main source of a child's learning is modeling, ie children copy their adult reference they are mainly parents. Therefore, it is important that parents, despite the fatigue, the heat, and warm weather, to remain, model, of effort and perseverance in the child.